Hi! My name is Robyn, and I'm a pretty down-to-earth person who enjoys meeting people and learning their story. You could say Stirring Embers was a passion that had been building in my heart and soul for years! I love people. I love seeing the unique characteristics that make them who they are and compliment their gifts, talents, and passion. I love relationship. Whether we're in the best time and place of our life, or the dumpiest of times, we need relationship and encouragement with friends.
Not only do I love connecting with people, but it's such a joy connecting them with each other! I desire for people to work together through differences, and find strength in loving each other through imperfections and offenses.
I LOVE it when we draw out the best in each other, and at the same time give grace for the weaknesses we each have.
Stirring Embers wouldn't be what it is today without God and without some amazing friends who have in turn poured into ME and stirred me back into the heat of the fire. That's right! I am not some expert with conquered self-control and emotions that I just plow through life with my "fire" blazing. If you've been a hot mess...I hear ya! You're not alone. I am so thankful and grateful for those who have spoken truth, purpose, and affirmation into my life. I believe that for YOU too! May we be strong in heart, truly selfless in our love, and to honestly hope the best for one another. Stirring Embers came together for more than an inspiring message and value to aspire to, but to be an avenue to create ways for it to actually take place. Let's not just talk about it, let's actually DO IT!!