Eight Mile Campground in Oregon June 2-3, 2023 Cost: FREE - pay for parking; food and day/overnight gathering is provided -
Oh we can’t wait for this!! Ladies, let’s gather around the campfire and enjoy each other’s company and the beautiful outdoors! Location: Eight Mile Campground (off the second exit)
Provided: Chili and Hot Dog Dinner Breakfast Burritos Bring a snack to share if you can and we’ll have a grazing snack table set up. This is great because it works with everyone’s schedule! Some will probably hang out during the day, some will stay into the evening before heading home, and some will stay overnight n’ camp!
Come with: $10 for day parking $20 for day & night
Camping gear if you stay the night. We’ll have some tents too! We’re looking forward to some great quality time filled with laughter, relaxation, and much needed time. Katy P., is facilitating this and we’re stoked! Thank you!! Retreat. Refresh. Renew. Refine. - Robyn